721 Harry L Dr, Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 238-1811
(607) 729-7077
Located behind CK's Laser Wash

Automotive Q & A

Starting and Charging Systems

Starting and Charging Systems

Question: Why have your starting and charging systems checked?

Answer: First, if your battery is bad, your vehicle will never be able to start. The battery is required to send the initial electric power necessary to start your vehicle. The charging system is also required to maintain the battery’s charge and supply your vehicle with electricity while the car is running. If the alternator or the voltage regulator malfunctions, it can lead to serious problems with your engine and your vehicle. It is very important to have your starting and charging systems checked to prevent engine failure.

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Phone: (607) 238-1811
Fax: (607) 238-1887
Address: 721 Harry L Dr
Johnson City, NY 13790
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